
Disclaimer: This is a rant.


Publish Date: 29/7/2024

The dreaded DRMs (Digital Restrictions Management) have leaked over to the physical world. As if needlessly restricting e-books aren't enough for you corporate people, now even physical items, especially food, aren't really owned by the customer.

What I mean is, major food chains are starting to replace the word "selling price" with "trial price" (試食價), implying and somehow "justifying" for the food item to be a limited edition and arbitrarily stop selling them after a certain controlled timeframe. Or, as I would like to put it, this is planned obsolescence. See those KFC burgers? Or those McGriddles? Both are overrated and are so-called "trials" which are "exclusive" to app orders.

As slightly suspicious clothing brand Patagonia has put it (I still don't trust clothing brands), "this is not a limited edition, it's made to be durable and thus is more environmentally friendly".

Certified Asian im_kankan has also shown that products meant to last do in fact last, like the wooden chair that his grandparents bought. The chair was so ancient that the store that sold the chair has now closed down.

Limited editions only make the world worse, and that's why every day there's an entire Library of Alexandria's worth of information being burnt.

Information should be perpetual. The lawsuits targeted at Internet Archive only exacerbates this "library"-burning.