
TVB Fictional Languages

Hung Island Language

The Hung Island Language [unofficial name] is spoken in Hung Island. It is taken from this TVB episode excerpt.

A sample quote transliterated roughly can be found below:

Transliteration Meaning
wo ta nia mo ha ka la ma, ham ba lu ka li, lu lu pra la, a le i kja, pra pra la ni. I miss Hung Island, I want to go back.

Ng Wong Tat Language

The Ng Wong Tat language (Chinese: 吳旺達語) is spoken in a fictional country, Ng Wong Tat, presumably in East Asia, probably near Indonesia. It is taken from this TVB episode excerpt.

A sample quote transliterated into rough IPA is below:

Transliteration Semi-Official1 Chinese transliteration Official meaning Unofficial meaning
tsən sa lai nəŋ sa lai, tsən lai, nəŋ sa sa tsən sa sa, nəŋ tsən nəŋ lai lai, sa sa tsən, tsən nəŋ sa lai, nəŋ sa sa, nəŋ lai lai 陳沙奶龍沙奶,陳奶,龍沙奶陳沙沙、龍陳龍奶奶,沙沙陳,陳龍沙奶,龍沙沙,龍奶奶 It's better if you go first. /
ba nəŋ sa! ba nəŋ sa sa nəŋ ba, ba nəŋ sa mu sa mu sa mu sa, ba nəŋ jou bun sa, sa la nəŋ sa i ja! 罷龍沙!罷龍沙沙龍罷,罷龍沙木沙木沙木沙,罷龍沙油搬沙,沙拉龍沙依也! Okay. Why don't you understand me?
lai lai tsən! 奶奶陳! Let's go! /
lai sa nəŋ tsəŋ! 奶沙龍陳! (unknown exclamation) /
lai tsəŋ nəŋ tsəŋ, nəŋ sa lai tsəŋ, nəŋ sa lai lai tsəŋ 奶陳龍陳,龍沙奶陳,龍沙奶奶陳 (said in a furry convention) /
dɔ moʊ 多巫 warrior /

Wolf Script

One of the typefaces used in the anime "Konosuba" is confirmed to be the font. Link: https://harjit.moe/images/1502563327965.png

The Wolf Script [unofficial name] is a one-to-one cipher of Latin (and predominantly English), used in the K*ngdom of Wolves. Taken from this excerpt, note that below is approximation using random Unicode characters that resemble the characters and may not be exact.

Script Latin
7 f
𠃌 g
R k
б s

Wu Duo Guo Language

The Wu Duo Guo language [unofficial name] is spoken in Wu Duo Guo. It is taken from this TVB episode excerpt. A transliterated quote is below:

Transliteration Official Chinese Transliteration Meaning
bagə'adu, bababa, galagalatʃoko. 巴卡阿杜,巴巴巴,卡拉卡拉錯柯。 (generic swearing)


  1. Characters for mu (木), i (依), ja (也), jou (油), bun (搬), and ba (罷) are not officially defined.